The 5 Most Important Webinar Features

These features will ensure, for one, you create the best possible experience for your audience and two, that your webinar has the highest chance of success. 

You want your audience to leave your webinar saying, “Wow, that was a great experience,” and “I’m so glad I watched!” but you don’t really know where to start. 

That is ok. We all start somewhere, and luckily, here at eboov we have loads of experience providing top-notch service to those first-time webinar customers. 

Our easy-to-use software is designed to simplify and speed up the sales process, resulting in an increased ROI (return/profitability). Aside from generating tremendous leads, we’re all about providing features that have user experience in mind (first and foremost) at eboov — and we’re happy to be leading those strategies. 

Keep reading for a walkthrough of how we are leading the way. 

1. High-quality viewing experience 

Providing a high-quality viewing experience is so important when creating a webinar. That doesn’t just mean the video resolution. It means keeping the time it takes to download short, and other key components to providing that experience to your audience. 

This facet of creating a superior user experience is the standard at eboov. Bringing outstanding quality to the table gives viewers the ease of watching an event without difficulty. 

Customers will reach your webinar within their browser, rather than the requirement of asking them to download another application. This further cements your brand as their go-to place and increases accessibility to your content. You won’t have to worry about your audience navigating the countless Zoom links we’re all so accustomed to receiving nowadays. 

2. Powerful broadcaster tools 

At eboov, we have powerful and intuitive broadcaster tools that make it easier for broadcasters to go live with confidence — knowing that their video experience is optimized. 

We figure, why worry when you shouldn’t have to? 

That brings us to an even bigger concern business owners hosting webinars are facing today — property theft. Intellectual property theft, that is. 

This is when someone steals ideas, creative expression, or even inventions, from an individual or a company. At eboov we want clients to feel reassured that they can relax knowing their property is safe (using our platform). 

We strongly encourage anyone whose intellectual property is found within their videos to use eboov. Our service comes with top-tier DRM protection (copyright protection). Find more info on specific features here. 

3. Customizable registration page 

As our founder Vince Reed has found in his case studies and endeavors— webinars are a great method to generate leads for your business.

We have found a way to integrate a registration flow that is built into webinar videos. Yeah, you heard us right, we’ve cracked the code on generating informed webinar leads. 

By getting more eyeballs on their video content, it will generate more leads than the traditional process (opt-ins before videos). With eboov, a single video replaces the need for an opt-in page. Clients are able to instantly insert video content and choose when to pop a lead form. 

The customizable flow we offer includes custom fields, branding elements, and ways to connect to your marketing or tech stack.

 4. Email automation 

After clients respond to the in-video form, eboov integrates with your existing email service provider to send out automated emails reminding registrants about your webinar and services. 

Talk about leverage! Computers really can do most of the work for us these days. 

Jokes aside, using this feature, the viewer is never left wondering. They’re being contacted with all further info: What next steps to take, How to purchase or subscribe to your service, etc. 

5. Analytics 

Last but not least, eboov offers clients the ability to monitor their own metrics as they come in. What does this mean? We have built-in tracking analytics, such as total view counts, average watch times, and peak viewers numbers, available at clients’ fingertips. 

Having this data helps tremendously– because upon analyzing it, you can better ​​understand viewer behavior, and use that to optimize future experiences. Even, converting future viewers into customers.

Learn more about eboov, and why we do what we do.